About ElderAssist.com

Back in 1989, the Daily Bed Availability Report was established as a tool for nursing homes in the St. Louis area to advertise and market openings in their facility directly to hospital case managers and social worker via a hospital FAX network. While successful, the effort required maintaining the report plus the volume of faxes at the hospital limited its effectiveness.

Fast forward to 2015, ElderAssist.com has reintroduced the Daily Bed Availability Report as a cloud based website, leveraging a comprehensive patient care and insurance reference search engine. Care managers and social workers can narrow the patients search results by including insurance provider and patient care needs.

Our goal is not only to present the most accurate real time availability but also to greatly improve the efficiency between the hospital case managers, social workers and nursing home admission departments. This is accomplished through a direct email option in which care managers and hospital staff can have a direct email contact with the nursing home thus avoiding the cycle of phone calls and messages. In turn the overall time spent finding openings for patients in need of discharge is greatly improved.

ElderAssist.com provides the basic availability tools free to nursing homes with the option of subscribing to the email connectivity system. A public searchable listing by zip code is also provided at no cost to the facility with subscription upgrades to enhance their listing and expand information provided. Expanded public listings include facility branding, contact information, real time notes, as well as a public version of ElderAssist.com e-mail direct connect.

Contact Us
2190 South Mason Rd.
Ste. 205
St. Louis, MO  63131
Scott E. Friesen
CEO / Co-Founder
Maggie Cody-Reckert
Director Operations / Co-Founder