
Personal data stored on your behalf on, e.g. email address, phone, and provider name, is done purely to facilitate our ability to contact you about your account and to allow providers, facilities, hospitals, and agencies contact you electronically regarding availability. Users have complete ability to manage their online contact profile. We do not share your user information with any other 3rd parties. is only available via secure browser and subscribes to domain control validation. has implemented industry standard technical, organizational, and administrative systems procedures to help establish and maintain the security of data and to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and misuse.

We allow users to register and use a mobile phone as a way to login directly without password via SMS text message. Registered and authenticated mobile phone numbers are private to the user and never used for any interprofessional contact.

HIPAA is not a covered entity per the HIPAA Privacy Rule but rather a Business Associate working on behalf of entities, including hospitals, long term care facilities, and agencies [45 CFR 160.103] and a Business Associate Contract exception under [45 CFR 164.502(e)]. We recognize that an entity is required obtain 'satisfactory assurances' from business partners and will gladly work to honor requests for additional information.

PCI is a subscriber of Stripe online payment collection services. We utilize their token exchange api and 'Checkout' tools as referenced in their security guide for maintaining PCI compliance. Our online subscription system does not store any credit card information.

Terms of Use and Limitations of Liability

It is’s policy to establish written and/or electronic consent from providers confirming listings are administered by authorized representatives. is not responsible for any actions taken by registered users with respect to online provider listings, including sharing it publicly. Additionally, is not responsible for content provided by authorized users whose representation of a provider has changed or been terminated. Availability content presented by providers is not owned by, it is the sole responsibility of the provider that makes it available. strives to connect Elder Care professionals and the online community at large with highly relevant and accurate information, however, we cannot promise accuracy and appropriateness of data provided by providers or government sources. We will try every reasonable effort to uphold the accuracy and availability of information, but from time to time may not fulfill this goal for various reasons. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ELDERASSISTCOM LLC DOES NOT MAKE WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OR ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING AVAILABILITY, RELIABILITY, OR ACCURACY OF THE SERVICES. Thank you for your understanding.